Marketing Technologies That Every Marketer Must Use

November 19, 2018

The evolving marketing technology landscape is opening new doors of opportunities for marketers. In fact, marketing is now gradually transforming into a technology-powered discipline. Marketing technology refers to major initiatives, efforts, and tools that harness technology to achieve marketing goals and objectives. Several modern marketers agree that the use of new marketing technology tools available to them has helped in the rapid and significant increase in ROI. The right marketing technology tools also help companies to bring order to the overwhelming volumes of data they collect from online and offline interactions.

In this blog, we have discussed some of the key marketing technology tools that are available to companies today:

Top marketing technology tools


Marketing technology landscape has reached a point where now it is easily possible for marketers to track everything from their performance of channels, technologies, ads, to offers. Establishing a web analytics program for business would help the marketing team who know which data to use and how to use it. Analytics platforms help identify which marketing efforts are driving the desired results and which ones are not performing or needs to be taken down.

Email marketing

Email is one of the marketing technology tools that have been proved to be highly effective. Email marketing is not about spamming customers with promotional e-mails. It is a more tactical approach of getting people to give you permission to email them additional information and then sending only valuable content tailored to their interests. However, here it takes more than one touch to close a sale. This technique is so powerful because you’re staying in front of the prospective customers who have said that they want to hear from you.

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Search engine marketing

Search Engine Marketing involves paid search ads and search engine optimization (SEO) which facilitates in getting high organic search listings for your website content. Search ads make it possible for marketers to test and optimize on keywords, ad copy, offers, the website forms you take them to, and more. These insights can be applied to all of the company’s online and traditional marketing. SEO involves not just technical enhancements to the website but is also concerned with regularly creating high-quality content, which is a primary factor for Google to rank your content higher.

Mobile marketing

Mobile phones are an unavoidable element of the current marketing technology landscape. Mobile phones are one of the most preferred medium of purchase for modern customers. So, businesses must ensure that their content and websites are mobile-friendly. In case a company’s website is not mobile-optimized, Google penalizes it with a lower search ranking. Once a mobile-friendly website is set up, companies can go on to mobile search advertising and other forms of mobile marketing.

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