Financial technologies

Understanding the link between profitability and centrality of customer data, sustainability-focus, and growth in underserved markets is crucial for businesses, apart from meeting regulatory compliance.

Our capabilities

A growing number of embedded finance offerings (e.g., microloans, insurance schemes, bill payments) are simplifying the customer experience and driving profitability for market participants. The fintech economy is thriving, particularly on the back of unbanked demographics in emerging markets. However, there are trust issues and regulatory uncertainties that could slow down growth. Market intelligence is the fix fintechs need to improve efficiencies and open new windows of opportunity.

The financial technologies market is expected to book substantial profits, fueled by newer products, services, and revenue models on one hand and cost optimization on the other. Even so, the cost businesses incur to finance operations can put a damper on their growth plans. Meeting evolving regulatory mandates and shoring up customer confidence are aspects fintechs need to work on. Our experts can help businesses prevail over uncertainties and realize their growth goals.

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