Boost Sales Conversion Reduce Churn Retailer Customer Segmentation

June 12, 2019

Retail Customer Segmentation Analysis

The retail industry has changed dramatically over the past few years. This rapid pace of change has put immense pressure on retail companies to keep up with ever-changing customer expectations. Retail companies have also been forced to identify lucrative customer segments and devise value maximization strategies to boost profitability. This is where customer segmentation analysis comes into play. Customer segmentation analysis helps retail companies to gather comprehensive insights to deepen customer loyalty and pinpoint their marketing strategies.

Customer segmentation can help you precisely define your customers’ needs and create better value for them. Request a FREE brochure to gain detailed insights into our services portfolio and to learn how our customer segmentation analysis will help you assess changes in customer behaviour and measure the effectiveness of a marketing campaign.

Business Challenge

The client is a retail company based out of North America. As the client was new to the US retail market, they were facing difficulties in understanding their customers’ buying preferences, likes and dislikes, and shopping patterns. However, before investing huge capital into the business, the client wanted to gather deeper insights around their target customers to tailor personalized strategies. They also wanted to customize their marketing activities based on their customer behaviour. To do so, the client approached the experts at Infiniti Research to leverage their expertise in customer segmentation.

By leveraging Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis, the client wanted to:

Improve product and service offerings – By leveraging Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis, the client wanted to gather relevant data on their customers’ needs to differentiate their product and service offerings. By doing so, the client wanted to enhance customer experience and outpace their competitors.

Enhance revenue – The client realized that putting efforts into the wrong segment can prove to be costly for the company. This can even increase the churn rate and lower upsell potential. The client, therefore, wanted to identify the profitable customer segments and promote their products and services.

Increase sales – With Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis, the client wanted to specifically target their profitable customers and establish a perfect strategy to drive sales.

Focus on marketing activities – By efficiently segmenting customers into different sub-groups, the client wanted to create customized and focused marketing messages to capture customers’ attention.

Our Approach

To help the client segment the customer base, the experts at Infiniti Research performed customer segmentation. Customer segmentation analysis approach involved the segregation of the client’s customer groups into three categories namely – geographic, demographic, and psychographic segments. Also, the experts grouped customers into different segments using insights gathered from the research. The factors such as customer spend, frequency of purchases, channel usage, categories in which customers purchase, discount vs full price shoppers, and margin per customer was taken into consideration while grouping customers into various segments.

Results and Key Offerings

By segmenting customers into different sub-categories, the client was able to gain detailed insights into their customer segments. This helped them to differentiate their products according to customers’ needs. By leveraging Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis, the client was also able to create targeted advertising and marketing campaigns for different subsets of customers. Furthermore, with customer segmentation analysis, the client increased sales conversion and reduced the churn rate by 23%.


Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis also helped the client to:

Increase competitiveness – By categorizing customers into various sub-categories based on their needs and requirements, the client was able to efficiently cater to their requirements and capture their attention by providing personalized offerings. This helped them to gain a leading edge in the market compared to their competitors.

Increase customer retention – Customer segmentation analysis helped the client to better serve their customer base. This helped the company to increase customer loyalty. Furthermore, this increased customer retention rate and reduced customer churn.

Optimize product price – By gathering detailed insights into the target customer segments, the client was able to efficiently price their products. By optimizing the product price, the client was able to ensure that customers get the most value for their dollars. Also, the client was able to enhance sales and revenues.

Customer segmentation analysis can help you precisely define your customers’ needs and create better value for them. Request a FREE brochure to gain detailed insights into our services portfolio and to learn how our customer segmentation analysis will help you assess changes in customer behaviour and measure the effectiveness of a marketing campaign.

What is customer segmentation analysis?

Segmentation analysis is defined as the process of categorizing a company’s customers into various sub-groups based on their characters and requirements. By grouping customers with similar characteristics, companies can easily devise value maximization strategies and create personalized marketing campaigns. Customer segmentation solutions have helped several companies to make strategic business decisions and thereby boost their revenue.


Why customer segmentation is the key to marketing?

In today’s customer-oriented world, the right customer segmentation can help businesses determine the most valuable customers and build marketing campaigns that suit them. In the long run, this will improve your brand loyalty and increase customer engagement. This success story from Infiniti Research describes how a leading transportation services provider was able to achieve these goals with our customer segmentation strategy.

Customer analysis can help you precisely define your customers’ needs and create better value for them. Request a FREE brochure to gain detailed insights into our services portfolio and to learn how our customer segmentation analysis will help you assess changes in customer behaviour and measure the effectiveness of a marketing campaign.

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