Consumer Goods Packaging: Marketing Strategy for Targeted Efforts

December 7, 2017

With the rising health consciousness, the consumer’s buying habits have changed, which has further increased their spend on products to remain healthy. As a result, the businesses in the consumer goods space are refining their strategies to capture growth and efficiently connect with their target audience. To profile the most profitable customers and tailor their product and services to their needs, leading businesses in the consumer goods space should ideally include a robust marketing strategy as a part of their business offerings. In this relatively competitive environment, businesses offering consumer packaged goods are focusing on consolidating their position in emerging markets and minimizing complexity to stay ahead of the curve. With the aid of marketing strategy, leading businesses in the consumer goods space can meet the relentless demands for the products and services and develop a profitable relationship with the customers. Also, marketing strategy plays a pivotal role in characterizing the needs of the customers and directing their marketing efforts to improve business performance.

To create a strategy that focuses only on the strengths and needs of the customers, consumer goods manufacturers are approaching renowned solution providers such as Infiniti. With years of expertise in offering a plethora of solutions, Infiniti’s marketing strategy solution focuses on monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and leveraging various forms of social media channels such as advertising to create an effective point of sale strategy.IR_Brochure

The Business Challenge

A leading consumer goods packaging client with offices spread globally was facing predicaments drawing a marketing plan to respond to the changes in consumer needs and attitudes in the industry. The client wanted to conduct a SWOT analysis to accurately position their products in the retail space. Moreover, the client wanted to utilize marketing strategy to offer personal and flexible customer service and maintain a marketing campaign that resonates with the intended target audience. The primary aim of the engagement was to identify the company’s value proposition and devise a marketing plan to improve brand awareness and enhance brand loyalty.

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Our Approach

With an aim to improve the marketing efforts and tap potential business opportunities, Infiniti’s marketing strategy experts carried out extensive interviews and discussions with leading stakeholders in the consumer goods space. The consumer goods space is witnessing a manifold increase in the number of new players. Therefore, to tackle the bottlenecks and improve the overall marketing effectiveness, Infiniti’s experts compiled information from a wide array of secondary sources such as paid industry databases, company presentations, and industry forums.

Benefits of Infiniti’s Solution

The marketing strategy solution offered by Infiniti helped the client assess and adjust their marketing efforts to meet the consumer’s requirements. Moreover, the engagement also offered suitable ways for the client to understand the prevailing competition, the target market, and create a robust, unique selling proposition to improve their market effectiveness. The engagement also focused on identifying and shortlisting the potential target segments to tailor their marketing efforts to enhance business productivity.

Additional Benefits Offered by Infiniti Include

  • Devised a well-defined market strategy for consumer goods and offered a consumer-recognized brand product
  • Created an efficient distribution channel and gathered and analyzed customer data
  • Gained strategic insights on customer buyer behavior and aligned companies activities with their objectives
A must-read case study for strategy specialists and decision makers looking to develop an understanding of the retail and CPG industry


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