Top-3 Trends that will Drive the Market for Autonomous Vehicles

May 31, 2017

Autonomous vehicles do still seem remarkably futuristic. Their imminent debut in the mainstream scheme of things will reinvent the concept of driving and personal transportation of people and goods. Many reputed companies are already sitting atop viable prototypes of autonomous vehicles for mass consumption. Ford, Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen, Toyota, General Motors, Tesla, and Google have already reiterated that driverless vehicles are the future.

The arrival of autonomous vehicles represents a perfect opportunity for an integral transformation in urban mobility and could lead to creating more accountable, healthy, and greener cities. However, the integration of autonomous vehicles (AVs) into an effective public transport network is still a long way away, pending some proactive participation from the local public transport organizations and the associated decision-makers.

There has been an enormous deal of interest and enthusiasm among the motoring community over the past few years spurred by a surge of benefits touted by the manufacturers of autonomous automobiles. The following are the key trends that will drive the global market for autonomous vehicles, sooner than later.

1) Real-time route optimization

Autonomous vehicles on a common stretch of the road are connected together with Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) mechanisms that enable driverless vehicles to gain real-time information on the condition of the roads as well as exchange protection and mobility information with the surrounding infrastructure and redirect the routes accordingly. Additionally, employing V2V and V2I to find out optimal routes can aid in reducing the number of miles driven, save time, and rein in fuel consumption.

2) Increased lane capacity

Autonomous vehicles can operate at top speeds while trimming down the space between vehicles, leading to greater lane capacity. The latter can also increase with the embracing of adaptive cruise control. This technology adjusts the vehicle’s speed mechanically to ensure a safe distance between the vehicles on that stretch of the road. These technologies will shoot up the lane capacity and reduce accidents, ensuring greater passenger comfort and safety, thereby building the customers’ confidence in driverless technology.

3) Reduced energy consumption

Autonomous vehicles are less prone to accidents and are actually lighter than conventional automobiles. Thanks to the lightweight composites used for building the modern vehicle, and the efficient manufacturing procedures, vehicles could become lighter while maintaining their overall size, yet remain impervious to accidents. Lightweight automobiles save on fuel consumption, further aided by such eco-friendly driving technologies and practices as cruise control, deceleration, and smooth acceleration.

Driving to Profitability with Infiniti

Infiniti Research will help you understand the forthcoming market scenery that is fast turning into a spirited race to build the first practical and profitable autonomous driving solution. Our expertise in exploring the trends and drawing actionable insights will help your business establish a firm foothold in the fast-evolving global automotive market.

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