Is Open Innovation the Solution to Overcome Roadblocks in Autonomous Vehicle Technology Development?

August 22, 2017

Autonomous vehicles are believed to be one of the most disruptive innovations of this generation. Even though autonomous vehicles may still seem like a futuristic technology, rapid advancements in this field have led to such vehicles being frequently tested by established companies. The future of autonomous vehicle industry is driven by decreasing cost of operation and the increased safety and reliability provided by such vehicles. The technology in autonomous driving has in some way surpassed that of human drivers in terms of safety.

Innovations in Autonomous Vehicle Slowing Down

Autonomous vehicle technology is developing at an unprecedented rate. However, companies are hitting the brick wall in some areas as innovation within the company is slowing down. For instance, carmakers are still struggling to keep up the pace of innovation when it comes to driving safely despite unclear lane markings, ability to respond to signals from safety officers, and capacity to operate safely in all-weather conditions.

Possible Solution Alternatives

To tackle such problems and keep up the pace of innovation, autonomous vehicle manufacturers are looking at open innovation to gather ideas from the outside. Major automakers are also considering acquisition, investment, or partnership with other automakers, infotainment systems, cloud computing providers, human-machine interface systems, and connected vehicle and device services. This enables the companies to gain a deeper knowledge of the problem areas and devise a solution with a diverse range of experts.

Example of Open Innovation

Olli has been exemplary in embracing the open innovation. In order to enhance their machine learning algorithms for autonomous vehicles, Olli has embraced IBM Watson’s technology to learn from transportation data collected with the help of more than 30 embedded sensors. This will allow the machine to learn faster and perform better than human drivers under human supervision.

A large sum of money has been invested in research and development to solve complex problems in autonomous vehicle. By adopting open innovation, both costs and time-to-market could be significantly brought down by gathering expertise from different fields.

To know more about implementing open innovation to develop autonomous vehicle:

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