A Success Story on How Target Market Analysis Helped a Leading Telecom Giant Establish Themselves in Key Target Markets

October 10, 2018

Target Market Analysis: How does it help you find your customers?

Irrespective of whether you’re a well-established business firm or just a startup, an in-depth market analysis is essential to keep abreast of the current market trends. A target market analysis report offers detailed insights into several factors that determine your market success, including key demand drivers and your competitor’s strategies while helping you find the marketing techniques that best fit your product/service offerings.

Wonder how target market analysis can help your business? Contact us for detailed insights.

Key Components of a Target Market Analysis Template

Market analysis is generally performed based on the industry type. However, different organizations from the same industry will have to generate different target market analysis templates to analyze the target market. So if you’re looking at re-evaluating your business strategies to maximize business growth, it’s best recommended you ensure the generation of a periodic target market analysis report to stay ahead of the game. Though this turns out to be a major differentiator, the basic elements of a template remain the same:

  • Market description
  • Market trends
  • Competitive Landscape
  • Key success factors
  • Threats to new market entrants

Continue reading to gain in-depth insights into this target market analysis engagement or request a free proposal.

The Challenge

As a part of their market analysis strategy, the telecom giant was looking at engaging with a well-known research firm to assess the market opportunities for their products in four countries of their interest. The key objectives of the telecommunication equipment manufacturer revolved around the analysis and sizing of the target markets based on their growth potential.

Our Approach

The target market analysis experts at Infiniti Research conducted in-depth research on the telecommunication equipment manufacturing industry. They also referred to industry-specific data collected from over 500+ primary and secondary channels. With the help of our target market analysis report, the telecommunication equipment supplier was able to better understand markets and develop precise strategies to increase the number of new customers in Germany, Sweden, and Canada.

Business Impact

Based on our research the telecommunication equipment industry turned out to be the major demand driver, with most of the present and future estimated demand originating from them. As a result of our customized solutions and recommendations, the telecommunication equipment supplier succeeded in devising future-proof strategies to establish themselves in the new target markets.

Comparable forecast models were then developed by Infiniti’s industry experts, which were then used as cross-checks. Furthermore, the global strategic deployment scenarios, as per the historical behavior of telecommunication equipment manufacturers in other countries, provided a blueprint for the likely scenarios in the target markets.

The solution also enabled the telecommunication equipment manufacturer to:

  • Successfully determine the potential of target segments
  • Maximize profit margins by 10%

Want to know more about our services? We’re here to help, reach out to us for more information.

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Our strength lies in the unrivaled diversity of our international market research teams, innovative research methodologies, and unique viewpoints that merge seamlessly to offer customized solutions for your every business requirement.

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