Enhancing Product Development Strategies for a Consumer Electronics Company – A Product Research Engagement

May 11, 2019

The world is quickly and constantly transforming with the advent of advanced technologies. This rapid pace of change has heavily affected the consumer electronics industry, which brings in the biggest and newest innovations every year. In this competitive business world, for product-oriented companies, it becomes imperative to launch new products to differentiate themselves from competitors and drive revenues.

New product development and marketing is not an easy task, especially when it comes to launching a new technology product. Given the multitude of new products available in the market, it becomes extremely difficult for companies in the consumer electronics market to set themselves apart from the global competition. This is where the real importance of a product research strategy is realized by companies looking to position themselves competitively in the consumer electronics industry. For over 15 years, Infiniti’s product research strategy has helped many organizations to formulate a smart approach and successfully introduce a new product in the market.

Business Challenge

The client is a consumer electronics company based out of the United States. The company employs around 11,000 people and has nearly 79 outlets. The client introduced a new product in the market, but, unfortunately, the product failed to succeed. The main reasons behind the product’s failure were the management’s failure to exploit new market opportunities and their inability to leverage digital platforms effectively. This failure subsequently affected the company’s sales rate and the company failed to make enough profits. During this time, the company lost about $7.8 million.

The client, therefore, approached the experts at Infiniti Research to leverage their expertise in offering product research solutions. With Infiniti’s product research solution, they wanted to introduce new products with good market demand. Also, they wanted to make improvements to their existing products lines.

Other challenges faced by the client included:

  • They were facing predicaments in analyzing their customers’ needs and technology adoption. by leveraging Infiniti’s solution, they wanted to identify products with the best market demand.
  • Due to the evolving customer attitude, they faced major challenges in positioning themselves in the market. Therefore, before launching new products in the market, the client wanted to analyze their target customers and build effective marketing plans to successfully sell their products to the intended customers.
  • Cost reduction was another major motive of the client. With the aid of an accurate product research engagement, the client wanted to reduce costs by using lower-cost materials, eliminating features that the market does not need, and by redesigning the product to simplify the manufacturing process.

What is product research and development?

Launching a new product can be an exciting task for any company. Whether it is the first product the are offfering or an upgrade, the excitement associated with a new product launch cannot be undermined. However, before presenting new product to the masses, every company needs to perform a thorough product research to better understand the market demand.

The goal behind any organization investing time and effort in product research is to quantify or increase business knowledge. And if the business has plans to introduce new products in the market or try any new function, it won’t be wise on its part to just gather information about the product and market them. Rather, understanding the market requirements and competitor offerings can help better market the product.

Importance of product research

Gaining a competitive edge – Companies that undertake regular product research have a higher chance of succeeding in the global market compared to their competitors.

Manifold increase in sales – There is a direct and undefined connection between the efforts undertaken by an organization for product research and the performance of a company. Thus, it can be said that product research subsequently improves the sales rate.

We help our clients make smarter decisions to achieve rapid business growth

Our strength lies in the unrivaled diversity of our international market research teams, innovative research methodologies, and unique viewpoints that merge seamlessly to offer customized solutions for your every business requirement.

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