Study on the Healthcare Market Access in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa

August 29, 2016

Business Challenge

A global healthcare consulting company specialized in the delivery of patient-focused market expansion strategies wanted to understand the potential for its market access service portfolio in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa.


The client required a comprehensive study focused on assessing the current and evolving healthcare infrastructure in its target markets. It also wanted to obtain insights on how access to healthcare is handled, including insurance, reimbursement, and access programs.


We adopted a two-phased approach for this study. The first phase consisted of an assessment of the target markets and evaluation of the key needs and concerns of clients/ customers through analyst-led in-depth interviews of shortlisted key stakeholders. The second phase involved the development of insights.


Based on our insights, the client was able to restructure its service offerings in the specified regions by aligning its strategies with the anticipated evolution of the market over the next 5–10 years and customizing its services to address the emerging needs.

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