Generator Manufacturers Benchmarking Study in Europe, Asia, and Americas

August 29, 2016

Business Challenge

A leading industrial generator and equipment company wanted to quantify the threat from its top three competitors in the regional markets of Europe, Asia, the Americas, and the rest of the world (ROW).


The client was losing sales pitches to its competitors in many markets and wanted to understand how serious the threat is by analyzing and benchmarking its competitors’ financial performance and strategies to overcome the cost of poor quality (COPQ).  


We conducted an in-depth environmental scan and financial analysis of the competitors’ businesses to assess the financial performance, operational costs, and major causes of COPQ of their businesses and how they overcome those costs.  


The client was able to discern the financial strategies of its competitors in each region to evaluate how serious the threat was and it was able to plan its own strategies to neutralize the competition.

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