Banking Client Enhances Customer Loyalty and Retention with Customer Segmentation

December 13, 2018

The Future of Banking Sector

The banking sector is changing more rapidly than ever before, driven by unprecedented shifts in consumer-driven behavior, increased competition, and radically increased regulatory oversight. While there is an enduring debate in some corners that banking sector players are still not satisfactorily capitalized, it is certain that the dangerously thin buffers of the pre-crisis era are gone. While the banking sector is witnessing promising growth, several factors are hindering the growth of the market.

Technology management: With the recent innovations taking place in the banking sector, it becomes imperative for the banks to increase their infrastructure capabilities and capital to ensure the operation runs smoothly.

Mitigating cyber risk: Instances of cyber risks have been expanding in the banking sector with the growing adoption of technologies. Since cyber risk is a prime concern for banking services providers, banking sector companies are facing pressures to increase the efficiency of their cybersecurity to enhance business processes.

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Importance of Customer Segmentation Analysis

Customer segmentation analysis is important when attempting to communicate with a large target market. Segmenting consumers helps marketing teams to tighten budgets and make the most of marketing dollars by reaching the most ideal visitors who are likely to become leads, without spending capital on impressions that will never convert. With the aid of consumer segmentation models, you can tailor your marketing efforts to each distinct audience group. Thus, with millions of people in the world, efficiently employing customer segmentation models will help businesses narrow the pool and reach the people that they want to be talking to, ultimately driving conversions and revenue.

About the Client

The client is a leading banking services provider, rendering financial services to private corporations and individuals. 

By employing customer segmentation models, businesses can stay connected to their customers. Interested to know more? Request for a FREE proposal!

Predicaments Faced

A renowned client in the banking sector approached Infiniti Research to leverage customer segmentation analysis to profile customers into specific groups and design their marketing efforts to meet business requirements. By leveraging customer segmentation analysis, the banking sector client wanted to gain a deeper understanding of their customer’s preferences, needs, and better serve their target customers. With the help of Infiniti’s customer segmentation models, the client wanted to identify the key differentiators that divide the customers into specific groups and segregate the customers based on their geography, psychography, and behaviors. Additionally, by employing Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis into specific groups, the client also wanted to seek ways to effectively allocate their marketing resources and maximize the cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.

Solutions Delivered

With the help of the customer segmentation analysis offered by Infiniti Research, the client was able to identify the potential customer segments and proportionately allocate resources to target individual customers. Moreover, this helped the client to identify ways to distinguish new services at comparatively lower costs and enhance service offerings to meet customer expectations. The customer segmentation models also offered the client various benefits to divide customers into measurable segments based on their needs and behavior and stay ahead of the competitors and their service offerings. Additionally, our customer segmentation models further helped the banking sector client:

  • Determine the profit potential of each segment by analyzing its revenue and cost impact
  • Tailor offerings for the segments that are profitable and develop marketing strategies and pricing strategies to generate maximum value
  • Enhanced customer loyalty and customer retention rate by 20%

Interested to know more about our customer segmentation models? Get in touch today!

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