Telecom Company’s Growth Strategy Aligned with Customer Segmentation

May 27, 2020

The client, a global leader in the European telecom industry for more than a decade, wanted to segment its large enterprise customers and develop strategies to meet their changing digital communication-based needs. With Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis, the company boosted enterprises sales by 20% and maintained its leadership in the fast-evolving telecom market.

Customer Segmentation Analysis for a Telecom Company

Business Challenges Faced:

As revenue continued declining in some of the core services, the client started losing ground to its competitors. To win back the market share, the client launched a new growth plan. However, the new growth strategy did not help the client in addressing the complex issues eroding the company’s growth. This was because the client lacked a unified view of its customers’ issues and products to keep pace with their growing digital communication needs. As such, they collaborated with Infiniti Research to leverage their expertise in offering customer segmentation analysis. By leveraging Infiniti’s customer segmentation solution, the client also wanted to:

  • Segment a large customer base into a more manageable group
  • Alter marketing focus and strategy to meet the needs of the different segments
  • Enhance distribution strategies
  • Create targeted strategies that capture customers’ attention

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The Approach:

As a part of the customer segmentation analysis, the experts at Infiniti Research helped the client to segment its large customer base into different groups. This helped the client to design a tailored growth strategy for different groups. Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis also involved developing a process for outsourcing the sales and delivery of new communication services. This further helped the client to deliver services on time and enhance the customer experience.

Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis also involved working closely with the client to reverse declining revenues and enhance profitability. In addition to this, our experts recommended the client to launch specific networking services for its customers.

Business Outcome:

Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis helped the client to achieve a revenue goal for its enterprise business. Also, based on the recommendation of the experts, the client established an account planning process to maximize sales opportunities. Besides, with market segmentation analysis, the client was able to align sales, delivery, products, and pricing to increase sales of services for each customer segment.

In the first year alone, the telecom company exceeded its growth target by 11% and grew its networked services business by 17%. In addition to this, with Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis, the client improved account planning for its customers boosted company sales by an additional 30%.

Besides, by leveraging Infiniti’s customer segmentation analysis, the client was able to:

  • Acquire new customers and retain valuable ones with responsive and cost-effective call center support and different pricing strategies based on customer segments
  • Upgrade services to provide customers with superior service
  • Focus sales around targeted customers and align sales, delivery, service, and products around services growth

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