Retail Brand Strategy: Enhancing Customer Reach and Perception

December 1, 2017

At present, the retail industry is witnessing the entry of new players due to which many retail companies have started facing difficulties when it comes to increasing their profit margins. Globally, the retail industry is expected to witness steady growth, especially in the US. However, with the proliferation of physical retail stores, it becomes essential for businesses in the retail industry to attract more customers to their website. Therefore, to increase their marketing effectiveness, many retail companies have started utilizing solutions that help improve the brand presence. Brand strategy is a broad term that involves the implementation of specific, long-term goals to enhance a company’s brand value. A well-defined brand strategy can help retail companies reach out to the target customers, and can also help leading businesses in the retail industry understand consumers’ demands and their buying behavior.

To master the art of understanding customers and their perception of a particular brand, leading businesses in the retail industry are approaching renowned solution providers like Infiniti. Infiniti’s brand strategy solution helps retail companies reach out to their target audience and improve brand awareness.IR_Brochure

The Business Challenge

A leading retail industry client was facing challenges improving their brand positioning strategy and retaining profitability. The client wanted to understand the emotions of the customers and build a better relationship with them to foster customer loyalty. With the help of our brand strategy solution, the client wanted to devise new strategies to build interest among the customers about the products being offered. The primary objective of this engagement was to build a strong brand loyalty and increase profitability.

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Our Approach

To help the client remain competitive and build a unique brand identity in the retail industry, Infiniti’s experts carried out both interviews and discussions with prominent stakeholders in the retail industry. Additionally, Infiniti’s brand strategy experts also compiled information from a wide array of secondary sources such as paid industry databases, company presentations, and industry forums.

The Solution Offered and Business Impact

With the help of this brand strategy engagement, the retail industry client was able to improve their brand awareness and capture a significant share of the market. The engagement also helped the client devise effective strategies to engage and retain customers and create a robust brand image.

Additional Benefits Offered by Infiniti Include:

  • Communicated effectively with the market and improved the interaction with the customers
  • Customers were able to connect with the brand emotionally
  • Created a unique identity that differentiated the brand from the competitors

A must-read case study for strategy specialists and decision makers looking to develop an understanding of the retail industry.


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