Market Analysis Report for Artificial Sweeteners | Framework

October 8, 2018

Artificial Sweeteners Market Overview

Rising health concerns regarding the harmful effects of table sugar and a growing incidence of lifestyle diseases like heart diseases and diabetes have driven individuals to opt for healthy substitutes like artificial sweeteners. The global food and beverage industry are increasingly replacing sugar with non-nutritive sweeteners and the high demand from confectionery and soft drinks industries are expected to act as one of the main growth drivers for artificial sweeteners market in the coming years.

Importance of Market Analysis Framework

Market analysis framework is one of the market assessment tools used by businesses to understand the competitive dynamics of an industry. Market analysis framework helps companies get a sense of what is happening in an industry from demand-supply statistics, the degree of competition within the industry, future prospects of the industry taking into account technological changes, and the influence of external factors on the industry. The three commonly used and important frameworks of performing market analysis are:

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  • Competitive Forces Model (Porter’s 5 Forces)
  • Broad Factors Analysis (PEST Analysis)
  • SWOT Analysis

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We’ve specialized in offering actionable, real-time, granular insights and data through various statistical and scientific methods for over 15 years. Likewise, Infiniti Research’s research team evaluates opportunities in new and existing markets to give businesses across industries the information they need to develop processes and accelerate growth.

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Client Profile

The client – is a global corporation which produces artificial sweeteners. 


As a part of the target marketing strategy to promote their newly introduced range of artificial sweetener, the client was looking at enhancing visibility for their brand in the global food and beverage industry by reaching out to the potential target markets. Additionally, the client wanted to develop a market analysis framework to focus on the right marketing initiatives on their target market segments.

Solutions Delivered

With the help of Infiniti’s analysis report, the artificial sweeteners manufacturer was able to successfully launch their product range and drive customer engagement across multiple channels. Additionally, the market analysis framework formed a basis for the development of a market analysis business plan which, in turn, helped them reach out to the most likely buyers segment through personalized campaigns.

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