Market Intelligence Engagement Helps a US Telecom Industry Giant Meet Immediate Demand for Networking Infrastructure and Connectivity Amidst National Lockdown

April 23, 2020

As the United States calls for complete lockdown and imposes restrictions on movement, network usage is skyrocketing. This has put enormous pressure on companies in the US telecom industry to continue delivering critical services to customers. Although large players in the telecommunications industry invest millions of dollars into networks, operations, and other industry trends, sometimes their performance can be inconsistent, resulting in poor service, dissatisfied customers, and declining profits. As such, companies in the US telecom industry are in the need to focus on efficiency, agility, and customer-centricity and restructure themselves in terms of operations, architecture, and networks.

To succeed in the long-run, companies in the telecom sector will need to identify potential market risks and realign business models. We can help you achieve these strategic goals. Request a FREE proposal today.

Business Challenge

The client is a telecom service provider based out of the United States

The shift to remote work as an impact of social distancing enhanced the demand for networking infrastructure and connectivity for the US telecom industry client. However, the sudden surge in demand made it difficult for the client to increase network resiliency and reliability for their consumers. This subsequently resulted in customer dissatisfaction. Also, owing to multiple service requests at the same time, the US telecom industry client faced difficulties in helping customers in upgrading their services to cope with higher bandwidth requirements.

The US telecom industry client even noted an increase in churn rate as its competitors offered internet speed-booster packages and higher-performing fiber-optic broadband services. The client, therefore, wanted to undertake steps to provide continuous delivery of critical infrastructure and fulfill customers’ priorities around network maintenance. They chose to partner with Infiniti Research to leverage their expertise in offering market intelligence solutions.

Other key objectives of the US telecom industry client were:

  • Increasing security and infrastructure risks for customers
  • Rising manufacturing delay of network equipment such as fiber-network
  • Reassessing supply chain to uncover weak links
  • Improving tech-enabled functionality to ensure timely access to required information
  • Understanding customers’ needs and demands

As the needs and demands of customers are increasing, companies in the US telecom industry must take a more informed approach to simplification of business processes to succeed in the long term. Our market intelligence solutions can help you achieve all your business goals. Contact us here.

Our Integrated Approach

The experts at Infiniti Research followed a three-phased approach.

In the initial phase, the experts conducted strategic engagement and scenario analysis to help the US telecom industry client review insurance coverage, systems capabilities for remote workers, and cyber readiness. This phase of the engagement also involved prioritizing cybersafe remote technology capabilities to transition employees to work remotely while maintaining productivity.

The second phase of the engagement involved providing hand-on guidance during portfolio strategy and valuation. This phase of the engagement also involved reassessing the client’s supply chain to uncover weak links, increasing transparency in communications with stakeholders, and adjusting the support model as per the US telecom industry client’s requirements.

The third phase of the engagement involved evaluating financial reporting requirements and communicating current and potential future impacts to shareholders. This phase of the engagement also involved improving tech-enabled functionality to ensure timely access to required information and revaluating cost structures.

Business Outcome

Infiniti’s market intelligence engagement enabled the US telecom industry client to help their customers in upgrading their services to cope with higher bandwidth requirements. Also, as recommended by the experts at Infiniti Research, the client created an ad hoc support team to assist healthcare companies, pharmaceuticals, and other critical services.

The experts also helped the client to identify third-party service providers to help them in deploying feedback management tools. This subsequently helped the client to better understand and anticipate customer needs and take proactive measures at times of immediate needs. By analyzing the client’s supply chain processes, the experts recommended the client to diversify supplier base across geographies to avoid single points of failure and increased exposure due to regional outages.

By understanding customers’ needs and demands, the client was able to reach out to customers and provide information to alleviate their concerns. Also, by performing assessment of processes and functions with high manual intervention and critical third-party dependencies, the client was able to understand key risks, including single points of failure.

Infiniti’s market intelligence engagement helped the US telecom industry client to increase network resiliency and reliability for their consumers, revamp supply chain processes, improve tech-enabled functionality, and realize savings of over $3.3 million.

Want to gain more insights into our services for companies in the US telecom industry? Request more info here.

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