What Are the Reimbursement Challenges Faced by Medical Device Companies?

September 13, 2017

The medical device manufacturing industry is witnessing growth due to the rise in aging population, growing health concerns, and burgeoning health care costs. However, medical device companies face several medical device reimbursement challenges such as payer coverage related issues and reimbursement setbacks. Medical device companies are now willing to create value for various stakeholders in the healthcare industry such as providers, payers, patients, and practitioners by offering surgical devices and medical tools that are cost effective and score high on innovation and quality. With the presence of a saturated medical device landscape in developed countries, medical device companies have started devising effective market entry strategies to tap the growth opportunities in emerging markets.

Medical Device Reimbursement Challenges in The Healthcare Industry

Medical device companies require a proper go-to-market and execution strategy to address the stakeholder’s demands. But before devising these market entry strategies, the medical device companies must identify the reimbursement challenges related to the medical device manufacturing industry by leveraging effective market assessment services. While designing products, the device manufacturers usually make efforts to retrofit the technology to suit the medical need. Moreover, healthcare industry players are constantly on the lookout for cost effective treatments or diagnostic methods and their real life applications, which result in numerous medical device reimbursement challenges for the manufacturers as they struggle to get a proper coverage for their medical devices. Another reimbursement challenge for the medical device companies is that they invest a lot in product development and clinical trials. How to solve medical device reimbursement challenges, you ask? Here’s how.

  • Medical device manufacturers must identify the medical problem first, leverage insights from reimbursement assessment, and then design products accordingly
  • Leverage cost effectiveness and market assessment studies to analyze the economic advantage of the new medical devices and their market viability
  • Understand the perspective of the healthcare payers, identify the healthcare delivery related issues, and devise marketing strategies to attract coverage for the medical tools and surgical devices

To know more about the medical device reimbursement challenges faced by medical device manufacturers

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