CPG Firm Saves 27% with Demand and Supply Analysis

March 11, 2019

Business Challenge

The client, a leading CPG company in South America, was facing predicaments of ineffective supply and demand planning. With retailers increasingly producing and selling private label products and major competitors moving towards direct-to-consumer (D2C) models, the client, who continued to sell through distributors and retailers, faced challenges in creating the best possible customer experience for end-users. Also, complexities in their supply-demand planning, product development, sourcing, and production pressurized them to better manage inventory. With an appropriate demand and supply analysis, the client wanted to accurately manage product demands and fulfill customers’ demands seamlessly.

Is your inability to meet customers’ orders resulting in revenue losses for the company? Demand and supply analysis helps companies to thrive in today’s competitive market by identifying target stock levels to meet the rising market demands. Request a FREE Brochure to learn more about our solutions.

Demand and Supply Analysis: Solutions Offered and Value Delivered

By examining historical sales data, product orders, shipments, and current sales, the experts at Infiniti Research helped the client to make smart decisions about inventory and production levels. Infiniti’s demand and supply analysis also helped the client to respond to dynamic market demand and focus on customer-centric metrics. By focussing on consumer-centric metrics, the client was able to increase adaptability to demand volatility. Our solution subsequently helped them plan inventory supply against demand and helped them to reduce the company’s inventory levels. The client was able to improve return on inventory assets, reduce excess inventory, and meet customers’ delivery requirements.

With Infiniti’s demand analysis, the client was able to achieve a 13% reduction on unfilled orders and increase demand forecast accuracy. This helped the company to realize savings of over 27% in a year. Mismatch in demand and supply planning can result in excessive inventory costs. Is your company facing the same challenge? Our solutions have helped various companies reduce excess inventory and meet delivery requirements. Request a FREE proposal to know how our solution can help your business.

What is Supply and Demand Analysis? 

Demand and supply analysis is a type of supply chain management process that analyzes customers’ needs to determine the capabilities of the supply chain. With the right process in place, management can match supply with demand proactively and execute the plan with minimal disruptions. The demand and supply analysis process is not limited to forecasting. It includes synchronizing supply and demand, increasing flexibility, and reducing variability. If the demand outstrips resources, businesses can improve production or alert consumers about the revised shipment times. If demand seems low, the sales and marketing team might develop promotions or push for a product launch.

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