Media monitoring

Navigate shifting consumer behavior: It isn’t easy anymore

Keeping tabs on customer trends is like hitting moving targets! But we can do it for all media, including social.

Check out: What’s swaying customer behavior across media channels?

Customers’ media consumption patterns are dramatically shifting. Even so, it is possible to regularly quantify the hidden motivations driving buyer behavior. With a combination of web and social media analytics tools, businesses can understand customers’ inclinations and tailor personalized experiences.

Sub services

  • Social media monitoring and measurement

    What does the customer think about your brand? Our social media monitoring delivers granular insights on your engagements, be they posts, comments, or videos, to help you perfect your social game.

  • Social Media Research

    Social media budgets could vanish, yielding low ROI, much like a line drawn on water with a stick. So, measuring the effectiveness of your social media is of the essence.

  • Crisis and Adverse Event Reporting

    Ride out any storm with our complete range of crisis and adverse event monitoring solutions, including real-time negativity reporting, region-wise negativity reporting, crisis and sentiment analysis, and lots more.

Why choose Infiniti?

  • To Each Client According to their Needs

    By blending “qual and quant” methodologies and analytical insights, our experts deliver tightly configured solutions that map to specific client contexts. After all, one shoe doesn’t fit all, can it?

  • Going Beyond What’s known so-far

    Our experts go beyond the call of duty and transcend the known in media analysis to sift consumer behavior in all its granularity and uncover key business growth drivers.

  • Moving the Needle: From Data to Decisive Action

    Creating a huge data pool is one thing and transforming it into decision-ready insights another. Our scheme of things invariably involves putting understandable numbers on market trends for decision makers’ benefit.


Related Capabilities

  • Market intelligence

    Uncover more ROI opportunities and expand your products and services to blue ocean markets. Intelligent data utilization can help you do that and lots more.

  • Customer intelligence

    Wonder what’s behind all those custom offerings wowing buyers with long-term and beneficial relationships? Explore curated customer data sets focused on the needs of specific businesses.

  • Competitor intelligence

    Indeed, markets are changing and more unpredictably than before. You need actionable information to navigate the waves of change and fight off rising competition.

  • Media monitoring

    Getting a pulse of your customer on social media is as easy as engaging a moving target! Check out our AI-integrated no-stress media monitoring.

  • Market research

    Don’t follow the gut when making critical business choices. As markets see erratic swings, decision makers are increasingly leaning on data-based insights from trusted sources.

  • Employee intelligence

    What if metrics on employee behavior, skills, aspirations, performance, and feedback were available to you on an intuitive dashboard? It’s here, already!