Assessing Potential Market Risks for a Machinery Manufacturer – Risk Assessment Study by Infiniti Research

Business Challenge

Manufacturers invest millions of dollars in resources such as machinery, tools, workforce, products, and more. While these resources are necessary for manufacturing companies, they also pose risks for manufacturers. The smallest risks in operations, ranging from theft and property damage to workforce disruptions and natural disasters can heavily impact not only a manufacturers bottom line but their ability to deliver goods for clients on time and on budget.

A leading machinery manufacturer in Canada wanted to develop a new strategy to manage risks affecting the growth of the industry and implement appropriate policies and organizational structures to achieve their strategic objectives.

With years of expertise in offering actionable risk assessment solutions, Infiniti helps manufacturers to devise an effective risk assessment strategy. Request for a FREE brochure to know more about our services.

Top Challenges Faced by Machinery Manufacturers

Problem Statement 1: Commodity and raw material prices

Changes in the prices of raw materials raised the cost of production. This left no other choice for the organization but to raise their prices. In fact, the rise in prices affected their sales and reputation.

Problem Statement 2: Changes in laws and regulations

Changes in laws and legislation, such as minimum wage laws and overtime regulations increased costs rapidly. With Infiniti’s risk assessment solutions, the client wanted to stay prepared to face sudden transitions.

Problem Statement 3: Economic conditions

An overall recession or economic boom can influence the availability and prices of materials, consumers’ buyer behaviors, labor availabilities, and more. Hence, with the help of Infiniti’s risk assessment solution, the client wanted to understand the industry landscape thoroughly.

Problem Statement 4: Threats to international operations

The client was looking out to export their products to international markets such as the US and UK. But the changes in international trade agreements such as the US pulling out of NAFTA and the UK leaving the European Union were impacting manufacturing companies. The client, therefore, wanted to understand threats to international operations before making the market entry.

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