Infiniti’s New Product Launch Strategy Helped a Pharmaceutical Company to Successfully Launch their New Oncology Drug in a Highly Competitive Market

Business Challenge

Pharmaceutical companies have long relied on successfully launching new drugs to drive growth. Recent studies show that about two-thirds of the new product launches dont meet sales expectations. And at the same time, product launches are becoming extremely competitive. Given this changing landscape, pharmaceutical companies have been struggling to make the most of new product launches. Hence, the companies are looking to leverage new product launch strategy.

A multinational pharmaceutical company was about to launch two new high-profile oncology drugs. The clients previous product launch failed since they were targeting the wrong market, chose the wrong timeframe, and incorrect pricing. This failure proved to be costly for the company. To overcome the odds, the client approached Infiniti Research to help launch their new drugs in the market. With Infinitis new product launch strategy, the client wanted to prevent catastrophes and plot a clear path for profits.

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Solutions Offered and Value Delivered

Our experts adopted a comprehensive four-phase approach to help the client tackle various industry challenges. The phases involved determining market potential, securing approvals, developing product lifecycle stages, and product tracking.

The new product launch strategy helped the client understand the current competition in the market and anticipate future competitors. The new product launch strategy further helped the client to understand how well their new oncology drug will stack up against other players in the market. Also, with the aid of Infinitis new product launch strategy, the client was able to draw the best sales returns. Additionally, by examining the reasons behind the failure of their previous drug launch, the experts at Infiniti Research helped the client take advantage of credible metrics for product success.

Infinitis new product launch strategy helped the client launch their new oncology drugs successfully, ensuring its commercial success. The newly launched drugs significantly exceeded their revenue expectations. Also, with the aid of Infinitis new product launch strategy, the client was able to achieve a 20% increase in sales volume.

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How to Launch a New Product?

Launching a new product or service isnt as easy as it used to be. The market is oversaturated with products, promises, and innovations. Hence, having a creative approach to creating attention around product launches is, therefore, a key component of successful marketing campaigns. With such a slim chance of success, a well-organized new product launch strategy could make the difference between success and failure in the market.

Businesses often make the mistake of presenting new products to consumers without adequate research or strategic planning. Todays savvy consumers demand products that satisfy them on many levels including quality, price, status, and function. Hence, with a new product launch strategy, businesses can better make business decisions and market their products.

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