Examining European Steel Industry’s Competitive Landscape and Market Challenges with Competitive Intelligence Engagement

European Steel Industry Outlook

Volatile demand patterns, slowing demand in downstream sectors, depletion of high-grade raw materials, and environmental challenges have increasingly transformed the European steel industry in recent years. In addition, European steel market prices have suffered downward pressure over the years. The rapid pace of transformation has put pressure on steel manufacturers in Europe to address challenges coming their way and streamline operations and processes.

With the rising focus on infrastructure and development, the steel demand is expected to increase exponentially in the European steel industry. However, overcapacity challenges are expected to come to the forefront. Are you prepared to meet the demand of the rising population? If not, our custom market intelligence solutions can help. Request a FREE proposal.

Business Challenge

The client is a steel manufacturer and supplier based out of Europe.

Our client, a steel manufacturer based out of Europe, wanted to conduct a competitive intelligence study to understand how their brand measured up against the top steel companies in Europe. They also wanted to gauge their competitors strategies and stay ahead of all market developments in the European steel industry. Furthermore, by conducting a competitive benchmarking study, the client wanted to compare their performance with key competitors and understand areas of improvement. The client also wanted to understand strategies undertaken by their competitors to address the rising industry challenges.

Other challenges faced by the company were:

European steel industry challenge #1: Depletion of high-grade raw materials

The sudden rise in the demand for steel in Europe compelled European steel companies to use low-grade raw materials. However, the usage of low-grade raw materials turned out to be harmful to the environment. The client, therefore, wanted to understand how their competitors tackled this challenge.

European steel industry challenge #2: Solid waste management

During the steel manufacturing process, a large amount of solid waste is being generated. However, the client lacked the right process for solid waste management. Therefore, they wanted to analyze strategies employed by the top companies in the European steel industry to manage solid waste and reduce environmental hurdles.

European steel industry challenge #3: Rising investment into R&D

With leading companies in the European steel industry heavily investing into R&D for differentiating their products from other players in the market, the client wanted to keep pace with all the market trends and regional developments.

Are you facing difficulties in addressing the rising challenges in the European steel industry and keeping up with market demands? Our experts can help.

Request for more information to know how our competitive intelligence solution can help you sustain a leading edge in todays competitive marketplace.

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