Price Benchmarking Analysis for Computed Radiography X-Ray Equipment Business in the APAC Region

August 26, 2016

Business Challenge

A Europe-based medical imaging systems manufacturer wanted to benchmark its costs, price, and service agreements against those of its competitors in the computed radiography X-ray equipment business.


The client wanted to stay ahead in the computed radiography x-ray equipment business and was looking for advice on the costs, latest prices, and service agreement options adopted by its top three competitors in the APAC region.


We conducted telephone interviews (CATI) with market stakeholders to gain insights into the current and future cost and pricing scenarios and performed comparative evaluations of the identified competitors to understand the pros and cons of their strategies.


Based on our insights, the client was able to understand its competitors’ pricing strategies and prioritize service agreement aspects that are essential to obtain cost benefits, while restructuring its own cost and pricing strategies.

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